An Eagle Soars Through Carnegie Hall Last weekend, 8th grader Maxwell L. had the incredible honor of performing at Carnegie Hall in New York as part of the Elite International Music Competition award ceremony.
HPA Summer Registration Now Open Summer Camp registration is NOW OPEN! Visit the High Point website to view the schedule and get signed up for fun-filled summer experience for K-8 students!
Support the Spring Fundraiser The impact of the Eaton Fire has created unforeseen fundraising needs, and we are seeking your support.
HPA Debate Team Takes 1st Place A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our High Point Academy debate squad who took FIRST PLACE at the LILA Tournament on Saturday!
HPA Girls Basketball B Team Wraps Up With a Win! Congratulations to the Girls B Team on defeating Clairbourn School in another close game Thursday afternoon in the final game of their season. Way to go Eagles!
Alumni Spotlight: Darcy Michero (Class of 2014) “High Point Academy gave me the support I needed to take risks, problem-solve, and become curious about the world.”
Alumni Spotlight: Andrew Lai (2019) Pasadena Now picked up High Point's Alumni Spotlight on Andrew Lai (2019)